
The Accounts group of commands is at the heart of TrueBlocks. They allow you to produce and analyze transactional histories for one or more Ethereum addresses.

You may also name addresses; grab the ABI file for a given address; add, delete, and remove monitors, and, most importantly, export transactional histories in various formats, This includes re-directing output to remote or local databases.

To the right is a list of commands in this group. Click on a command to see its full documentation.

chifra list

chifra list takes one or more addresses, queries the index of appearances, and builds TrueBlocks monitors. A TrueBlocks monitor is a file that contains blockNumber.transactionIndex pairs (transaction identifiers) representing the history of the address.

Because TrueBlocks only extracts data from the Ethereum node when it's requested, the first time you list an address it takes about a minute. Subsequent queries are much faster because TrueBlocks caches the results.

Note that chifra list only queries the index, it does not extract the full transactional details. You may use chifra export for that.

  List every appearance of an address anywhere on the chain.

  chifra list [flags] <address> [address...]

  addrs - one or more addresses (0x...) to list (required)

  -U, --count               display only the count of records for each monitor
  -z, --no_zero             for the --count option only, suppress the display of zero appearance accounts
  -b, --bounds              report first and last block this address appears
  -u, --unripe              list transactions labeled unripe (i.e. less than 28 blocks old)
  -s, --silent              freshen the monitor only (no reporting)
  -c, --first_record uint   the first record to process
  -e, --max_records uint    the maximum number of records to process (default 250)
  -E, --reversed            produce results in reverse chronological order
  -F, --first_block uint    first block to export (inclusive, ignored when freshening)
  -L, --last_block uint     last block to export (inclusive, ignored when freshening)
  -x, --fmt string          export format, one of [none|json*|txt|csv]
  -v, --verbose             enable verbose output
  -h, --help                display this help screen

  - An address must be either an ENS name or start with '0x' and be forty-two characters long.
  - No other options are permitted when --silent is selected.

Data models produced by this tool:


chifra export

The chifra export tools provides a major part of the functionality of the TrueBlocks system. Using the index of appearances created with chifra scrape and the list of transaction identifiers created with chifra list, chifra export completes the actual extraction of an address's transactional history from the node.

You may use topics, fourbyte values at the start of a transaction's input data, and/or a log's source address or emitter to filter the results.

You may also choose which portions of the Ethereum data structures (--transactions, --logs, --traces, etc.) as you wish.

By default, the results of the extraction are delivered to your console, however, you may export the results to any database (with a little bit of work). The format of the data, its content and its destination are up to you.

  Export full details of transactions for one or more addresses.

  chifra export [flags] <address> [address...] [topics...] [fourbytes...]

  addrs - one or more addresses (0x...) to export (required)
  topics - filter by one or more log topics (only for --logs option)
  fourbytes - filter by one or more fourbytes (only for transactions and trace options)

  -p, --appearances         export a list of appearances
  -r, --receipts            export receipts instead of transactional data
  -l, --logs                export logs instead of transactional data
  -t, --traces              export traces instead of transactional data
  -n, --neighbors           export the neighbors of the given address
  -C, --accounting          attach accounting records to the exported data (applies to transactions export only)
  -A, --statements          for the accounting options only, export only statements
  -b, --balances            traverse the transaction history and show each change in ETH balances
  -i, --withdrawals         export withdrawals for the given address
  -a, --articulate          articulate transactions, traces, logs, and outputs
  -R, --cache_traces        force the transaction's traces into the cache
  -U, --count               for --appearances mode only, display only the count of records
  -c, --first_record uint   the first record to process
  -e, --max_records uint    the maximum number of records to process (default 250)
  -N, --relevant            for log and accounting export only, export only logs relevant to one of the given export addresses
  -m, --emitter strings     for the --logs option only, filter logs to show only those logs emitted by the given address(es)
  -B, --topic strings       for the --logs option only, filter logs to show only those with this topic(s)
  -V, --reverted            export only transactions that were reverted
  -P, --asset strings       for the accounting options only, export statements only for this asset
  -f, --flow string         for the accounting options only, export statements with incoming, outgoing, or zero value
                            One of [ in | out | zero ]
  -y, --factory             for --traces only, report addresses created by (or self-destructed by) the given address(es)
  -u, --unripe              export transactions labeled unripe (i.e. less than 28 blocks old)
  -E, --reversed            produce results in reverse chronological order
  -z, --no_zero             for the --count option only, suppress the display of zero appearance accounts
  -F, --first_block uint    first block to process (inclusive)
  -L, --last_block uint     last block to process (inclusive)
  -H, --ether               specify value in ether
  -o, --cache               force the results of the query into the cache
  -D, --decache             removes related items from the cache
  -x, --fmt string          export format, one of [none|json*|txt|csv]
  -v, --verbose             enable verbose output
  -h, --help                display this help screen

  - An address must be either an ENS name or start with '0x' and be forty-two characters long.
  - Articulating the export means turn the EVM's byte data into human-readable text (if possible).
  - For the --logs option, you may optionally specify one or more --emitter, one or more --topics, or both.
  - The --logs option is significantly faster if you provide an --emitter or a --topic.
  - Neighbors include every address that appears in any transaction in which the export address also appears.
  - If present, --first_/--last_block are applied, followed by user-supplied filters such as asset or topic, followed by --first_/--max_record if present.
  - The --first_record and --max_record options are zero-based (as are the block options).
  - The _block and _record filters are ignored when used with the --count option.
  - If the --reversed option is present, the appearance list is reversed prior to all processing (including filtering).
  - The --decache option will remove all cache items (blocks, transactions, traces, etc.) for the given address(es).
  - The --withdrawals option is only available on certain chains. It is ignored otherwise.
  - The --traces option requires your RPC to provide trace data. See the README for more information.

Data models produced by this tool:


further info

The --traces option requires your node to enable the trace_block (and related) RPC endpoints. Please see the README file for the chifra traces command for more information.

chifra monitors

chifra monitors has two purposes: (1) to display information about the current set of monitors, and (2) to --watch a set of addresses. The --watch function allows one to "follow" an address (or set of addresses) and keep an off-chain database fresh.

Crud commands

chifra list creates a new monitor. See that tool's help file for more information.

The chifra monitors --delete command deletes (or --undelete if already deleted) an address but does not remove it from your hard drive. The monitor is marked as being deleted, making it invisible to other tools.

Use the --remove command to permanently remove a monitor from your computer. This is an irreversible operation and requires the monitor to have been previously deleted.

The --decache option will remove not only the monitor but all of the cached data associated with the monitor (for example, transactions or traces). This is an irreversible operation (except for the fact that the cache can be easily re-created with chifra list <address>). The monitor need not have been previously deleted.

Watching addresses

The --watch command is special. It starts a long-running process that continually reads the blockchain looking for appearances of the addresses it is instructed to watch. It command requires two additional parameters: --watchlist <filename> and --commands <filename>. The --watchlist file is simply a list of addresses or ENS names, one per line:


You may monitor as many addresses as you wish, however, if the commands you specify take longer than the --sleep amount you specify (14 seconds by default), the results are undefined. (Adjust --sleep if necessary.)

The --commands file may contain a list of any valid chifra command that operates on addresses. (Currently export, list, state, tokens.) Each command in the --commands file is executed once for each address in the --watchlist file. The --commands file may contain any number of commands, one per line with the above proviso. For example:

chifra list [{ADDRESS}]
chifra export --logs [{ADDRESS}]

The [{ADDRESS}] token is a stand-in for all addresses in the --watchlist. Addresses are processed in groups of batch_size (default 8).

Invalid commands or invalid addresses are ignored. If a command fails, the process continues with the next command. If a command fails for a particular address, the process continues with the next address. A warning is generated.

  Add, remove, clean, and list address monitors.

  chifra monitors [flags] <address> [address...]

  addrs - one or more addresses (0x...) to process

      --delete             delete a monitor, but do not remove it
      --undelete           undelete a previously deleted monitor
      --remove             remove a previously deleted monitor
  -C, --clean              clean (i.e. remove duplicate appearances) from monitors, optionally clear stage
  -l, --list               list monitors in the cache (--verbose for more detail)
  -c, --count              show the number of active monitors (included deleted but not removed monitors)
  -S, --staged             for --clean, --list, and --count options only, include staged monitors
  -w, --watch              continually scan for new blocks and extract data as per the command file
  -a, --watchlist string   available with --watch option only, a file containing the addresses to watch
  -d, --commands string    available with --watch option only, the file containing the list of commands to apply to each watched address
  -b, --batch_size uint    available with --watch option only, the number of monitors to process in each batch (default 8)
  -u, --run_count uint     available with --watch option only, run the monitor this many times, then quit
  -s, --sleep float        available with --watch option only, the number of seconds to sleep between runs (default 14)
  -D, --decache            removes related items from the cache
  -x, --fmt string         export format, one of [none|json*|txt|csv]
  -v, --verbose            enable verbose output
  -h, --help               display this help screen

  - An address must be either an ENS name or start with '0x' and be forty-two characters long.
  - If no address is presented to the --clean command, all existing monitors will be cleaned.
  - The --watch option requires two additional parameters to be specified: --watchlist and --commands.
  - Addresses provided on the command line are ignored in --watch mode.
  - Providing the value existing to the --watchlist monitors all existing monitor files (see --list).

Data models produced by this tool:


chifra names

chifra names is a surprisingly useful tool. It allows one to associate textual names with Ethereum addresses. One may ask why this is necessary given that ENS exists. The answer is a single word: "privacy". ENS names are public. In many cases, users desire to keep personal addresses private. Try to do this on a website.

Like chifra abis, this tool is useful from the command line but is primarily used in support of other tools, especially chifra export where naming addresses becomes the single best way to turn unintelligible blockchain data into understandable information.

The various options allow you to search and filter the results. The tags option is used primarily by the TrueBlocks explorer.

You may use the TrueBlocks explorer to manage (add, edit, delete) address-name associations.

  Query addresses or names of well-known accounts.

  chifra names [flags] <term> [term...]

  terms - a space separated list of one or more search terms (required)

  -e, --expand            expand search to include all fields (search name, address, and symbol otherwise)
  -m, --match_case        do case-sensitive search
  -a, --all               include all (including custom) names in the search
  -c, --custom            include only custom named accounts in the search
  -p, --prefund           include prefund accounts in the search
  -s, --addr              display only addresses in the results (useful for scripting, assumes --no_header)
  -g, --tags              export the list of tags and subtags only
  -C, --clean             clean the data (addrs to lower case, sort by addr)
  -r, --regular           only available with --clean, cleans regular names database
  -d, --dry_run           only available with --clean or --autoname, outputs changes to stdout instead of updating databases
  -A, --autoname string   an address assumed to be a token, added automatically to names database if true
  -x, --fmt string        export format, one of [none|json*|txt|csv]
  -v, --verbose           enable verbose output
  -h, --help              display this help screen

  - The tool will accept up to three terms, each of which must match against any field in the database.
  - The --match_case option enables case sensitive matching.

Data models produced by this tool:


chifra abis

The chifra abis tool retrieves one or more ABI files for the given address(es). It searches for ABIs, sequentially, in the following locations:

  • the current working folder,
  • the TrueBlocks local cache,
  • Etherscan,
  • (in the future) ENS and Sourcify.

While this tool may be used from the command line, its primary purpose is in support of the --articulate option for tools such as chifra export and chifra logs.

If possible, the tool will follow proxied addresses searching for the ABI, but that does not always work. In that case, you may use the --proxy_for option.

The --known option prints a list of semi-standard function signatures such as the ERC20 standard, ERC 721 standard, various functions from OpenZeppelin, various Uniswap functions, etc. As an optimization, the known signatures are searched first during articulation.

The --encode option generates a 32-byte encoding for a given cannonical function or event signature. For functions, you may manually extract the first four bytes of the hash.

The --find option is experimental. Please see the notes below for more information.

  Fetches the ABI for a smart contract.

  chifra abis [flags] <address> [address...]

  addrs - a list of one or more smart contracts whose ABIs to display (required)

  -k, --known              load common 'known' ABIs from cache
  -r, --proxy_for string   redirects the query to this implementation
  -l, --list               a list of downloaded abi files
  -c, --count              show the number of abis downloaded
  -f, --find strings       search for function or event declarations given a four- or 32-byte code(s)
  -n, --hint strings       for the --find option only, provide hints to speed up the search
  -e, --encode string      generate the 32-byte encoding for a given cannonical function or event signature
  -o, --cache              force the results of the query into the cache
  -D, --decache            removes related items from the cache
  -x, --fmt string         export format, one of [none|json*|txt|csv]
  -v, --verbose            enable verbose output
  -h, --help               display this help screen

  - Search for either four byte signatures or event signatures with the --find option.

Data models produced by this tool:


further information

Without the --verbose option, the result is a compacted form of the ABI. Add --verbose for full details.

The chifra abis --find option scans the cross product of two sets. The first set contains more than 100,000 function and event names. The second set contains approximately 700 function signatures. The cross product of these two sets creates 70,000,000 combinations of name(signature) each of which is hashed to create either a four-byte or a 32-byte hash. Very infrequently, the tool will find matches for an otherwise unknown signatures.

Copyright (c) 2024, TrueBlocks, LLC. All rights reserved. Generated with goMaker.