
The commands in the Other group provide useful miscellaneous features.

  • chifra explore provides a quick way to open the configured blockchain explorer,
  • ethslurp (an older tool) allows you call extract data from Etherscan.

To the right is a list of commands in this group. Click on a command to see its full documentation.

Note: Some of these tools, such as ethslurp, require an API key. Follow these instructions to add a key to your config.

chifra explore

chifra explore opens Etherscan (and other explorers -- including our own) to the block identifier, transaction identifier, or address you specify. It's a handy (configurable) way to open an explorer from the command line, nothing more.

  Open a local or remote explorer for one or more addresses, blocks, or transactions.

  chifra explore [flags] [terms...]

  terms - one or more address, name, block, or transaction identifier

  -n, --no_open   return the URL without opening it
  -l, --local     open the local TrueBlocks explorer
  -g, --google    search google excluding popular blockchain explorers
  -h, --help      display this help screen

Data models produced by this tool:


chifra slurp

chifra slurp is the first tool we built in the Ethereum space. It even has its own website.

While it's useful, it has two shortcomings. First, it is fully centralized, pulling its data from http://etherscan.io. Second, is that it does not report every transaction for a given account. This is actually a shortcoming with API providers. It's too complicated to explain here, but see our blog.

While chifra slurp has its shortcomings, it does provides some nice features. You may use it to pull any transaction initiated by an EOA for example or to explore mining rewards. Visit the above referenced website for more information.

Currently supported API providers:

  Fetch data from Etherscan and other APIs for any address.

  chifra slurp [flags] <address> [address...] [block...]

  addrs - one or more addresses to slurp from Etherscan (required)
  blocks - an optional range of blocks to slurp

  -r, --parts strings    which types of transactions to request
                         One or more of [ ext | int | token | nfts | 1155 | miner | uncles | withdrawals | some | all ]
  -p, --appearances      show only the blocknumber.tx_id appearances of the exported transactions
  -a, --articulate       articulate the retrieved data if ABIs can be found
  -S, --source string    the source of the slurped data
                         One of [ etherscan | key | covalent | alchemy ] (default "etherscan")
  -U, --count            for --appearances mode only, display only the count of records
  -g, --page uint        the page to retrieve (page number)
      --page_id string   the page to retrieve (page ID)
  -P, --per_page uint    the number of records to request on each page (default 1000)
  -s, --sleep float      seconds to sleep between requests (default 0.25)
  -H, --ether            specify value in ether
  -o, --cache            force the results of the query into the cache
  -D, --decache          removes related items from the cache
  -x, --fmt string       export format, one of [none|json*|txt|csv]
  -v, --verbose          enable verbose output
  -h, --help             display this help screen

  - An address must be either an ENS name or start with '0x' and be forty-two characters long.
  - Portions of this software are Powered by Etherscan.io, Covalent, Alchemy, TrueBlocks Key APIs.
  - See slurp/README on how to configure keys for API providers.
  - The withdrawals option is only available on certain chains. It is ignored otherwise.
  - If the value of --source is key, --parts is ignored.
  - The --types option is deprecated, use --parts instead.

Data models produced by this tool:


Adding provider API key

Call chifra config edit to edit the configuration file.

For TrueBlocks Key, add keyEndpoint = "your-key-endpoint-url" to chains.mainnet section.

For all other providers add an entry to keys section like this:

    apiKey = "etherscan-apikey"
    apiKey = "covalent-apikey"
    apiKey = "alchemy-apikey"

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