Chain state
The data structures produced by tools in the Chain State category provide details on the balances
(ERC20 or ETH) of an address against a particular token or block. Additionally, direct access to
a smart contract's state may be queries with the chirfa state
tool. Data structures in that case
are specific to the particular smart contract.
Each data structure is created by one or more tools which are detailed below.
For the chifra state --call
tool, the result
is the result returned by the call to the smart
contract. This is the decoded output
value of the smart contract call.
The following commands produce and manage States:
States consist of the following fields:
Field | Description | Type |
blockNumber | the block number at which this call was made | blknum |
timestamp | the timestamp of the block for this call | timestamp |
date | the timestamp as a date (calculated) | datetime |
address | the address of contract being called | address |
accountType | the type of account at the given block | string |
balance | the balance of the account at the given block | wei |
ether | if --ether is specified, the balance in ether (calculated) | ether |
code | the code of the account | string |
deployed | for smart contracts only, the block number at which the contract was deployed | blknum |
nonce | the nonce of the account at the given block | value |
proxy | the proxy address of the account at the given block | address |
The token
data model represents the name, decmials, token symbol, and optionally the totalSupply
of an ERC-20 token.
The following commands produce and manage Tokens:
Tokens consist of the following fields:
Field | Description | Type |
blockNumber | the block at which the report is made | blknum |
transactionIndex | the transaction index (if applicable) at which the report is made | txnum |
timestamp | the timestamp of the block | timestamp |
date | the timestamp as a date (calculated) | datetime |
totalSupply | the total supply of the token contract | int256 |
address | the address of the token contract | address |
holder | the holder address for which we are reporting | address |
priorBalance | the holder's asset balance at its prior appearance | int256 |
balance | the holder's asset balance at the given block height | int256 |
balanceDec | the holder's asset balance (in Ether) at the given block height (calculated) | float64 |
diff | the difference, if any, between the prior and current balance (calculated) | int256 |
name | the name of the token contract, if available | string |
symbol | the symbol of the token contract | string |
decimals | the number of decimals for the token contract | uint64 |
type | the type of token (ERC20 or ERC721) or none | TokenType |
For the chifra state --call
tool, the result
is the result returned by the call to the smart
contract. This is the decoded output
value of the smart contract call.
The following commands produce and manage Results:
Results consist of the following fields:
Field | Description | Type |
blockNumber | the block number at which this call was made | blknum |
timestamp | the timestamp of the block for this call | timestamp |
date | the timestamp as a date (calculated) | datetime |
address | the address of contract being called | address |
name | the name of the function call | string |
encoding | the encoding for the function call | string |
signature | the canonical signature of the interface | string |
encodedArguments | the bytes data following the encoding of the call | string |
articulatedOut | the result of the call articulated as other models | Function |
Base types
This documentation mentions the following basic data types.
Type | Description | Notes |
address | an '0x'-prefixed 20-byte hex string | lowercase |
blknum | an alias for a uint64 | |
datetime | a JSON formatted date | as a string |
ether | a big number float | as a string |
float64 | a double precision float | 64 bits |
int256 | a signed big number | as a string |
string | a normal character string | |
timestamp | a 64-bit unsigned integer | Unix timestamp |
txnum | an alias for a uint64 | |
uint64 | a 64-bit unsigned integer | |
value | an alias for a 64-bit unsigned integer | |
wei | an unsigned big number | as a string |
Copyright (c) 2024, TrueBlocks, LLC. All rights reserved. Generated with goMaker.