
The following commands provide useful miscellaneous tools:

  • chifra explore a quick way to open a blockchain explorer,
  • ethslurp an older tool that lets you call data from Etherscan. (This has issues of centralization and data quality, see explanation in its section).

Note: some of these tools, such as ethslurp, require an Etherscan key. Follow these instructions to add a key to your config.

Each data structure is created by one or more tools which are detailed below.


An ABI describes an Application Binary Interface -- in other words, the Function and Event signatures for a given smart contract. Along with Names the use of ABIs goes a very long way towards making your Ethereum data much more understandable.

Similar to names of addresses, ABI files are not available on-chain which means they must be acquired somewhere. Unfortunately, the Ethereum community has not yet understood that Etherscan is not a good place to store this very important information. For this reason, TrueBlocks uses Etherscan to acquire ABI files and therefore one needs to get an Etherscan API key to use this function.

The following commands produce and manage Abis:

Abis consist of the following fields:

addressthe address for the ABIaddress
namethe filename of the ABI (likely the smart contract address)string
paththe folder holding the abi filestring
fileSizethe size of this file on discint64
lastModDatethe last update date of the filestring
isKnowntrue if this is the ABI for a known smart contract or protocolbool
isEmptytrue if the ABI could not be found (and won't be looked for again)bool
nFunctionsif verbose, the number of functions in the ABIint64
nEventsif verbose, the number of events in the ABIint64
hasConstructorif verbose and the abi has a constructor, then true, else falsebool
hasFallbackif verbose and the abi has a fallback, then true, else falsebool
functionsthe functions for this addressFunction[]


See the chifra abis command line for information about getting an Etherscan key.


ABI files are derived from the Solidity source code of a smart contract by extracting the canonical function and event signatures in a JSON structure. The function signatures are hashed (using keccak) into four-byte encodings for functions and 32-byte encodings for events. Because the blockchain only deals with byte data, TrueBlocks needs a way to decode the bytes back into the human-readable function and event signatures. We call this process --articulate. Most TrueBlocks commands provide an --articulate option. See the commands themselves for more information.

The following commands produce and manage Functions:

Functions consist of the following fields:

namethe name of the interfacestring
typethe type of the interface, either 'event' or 'function'string
signaturethe canonical signature of the interfacestring
encodingthe signature encoded with keccakstring
inputsthe input parameters to the function, if anyParameter[]
outputsthe output parameters to the function, if anyParameter[]


Parameters are a constituent part of a Function or Event. The parameters of a function are each individual value passed into the function. Along with the function's name, the parameter types (once canonicalized) are used to create a function's four byte signature (or an event's 32-byte signature). Parameters are important to TrueBlocks because we use them as part of the ABI decoding and the --articulate process to convert the blockchain's bytes into human-readable text.

The following commands produce and manage Parameters:

Parameters consist of the following fields:

typethe type of this parameterstring
namethe name of this parameterstring
strDefaultthe default value of this parameter, if anystring
indexedtrue if this parameter is indexedbool
internalTypefor composite types, the internal type of the parameterstring
componentsfor composite types, the parameters making up the compositeParameter[]


THIS SHOULD BE ETHERSCAN DATA RELATED, BUT IT'S NOT TIED IN, SO IT DOESN'T DO ANYTHING The traceFilter is an internal data structure used to query using the chifra traces --filter command. Its use may, in the future, be expanded for other use cases. Note that all fields are optional, but not all may be empty at the same time.

The following commands produce and manage Slurps:

Slurps consist of the following fields:

hashthe hash of the transactionhash
blockHashthe hash of the block containing this transactionhash
blockNumberthe number of the blockblknum
transactionIndexthe zero-indexed position of the transaction in the blocktxnum
noncesequence number of the transactions sent by the sendervalue
timestampthe Unix timestamp of the objecttimestamp
datethe timestamp as a date (calculated)datetime
fromaddress from which the transaction was sentaddress
toaddress to which the transaction was sentaddress
valuethe amount of wei sent with this transactionswei
etherif --ether is specified, the value in ether (calculated)ether
gasthe maximum number of gas allowed for this transactiongas
gasPricethe number of wei per unit of gas the sender is willing to spendgas
inputbyte data either containing a message or funcational data for a smart contracts. See the --articulatebytes
hasTokentrue if the transaction is token related, false otherwisebool
articulatedTxif present, the function that was called in the transactionFunction
compressedTxtruncated, more readable version of the articulation (calculated)string
isErrortrue if the transaction ended in error, false otherwisebool


The Message type is used in various places to return information about a command. For example, when using the chifra names --autoname feature in the SDK, a Message type is returned.

The following commands produce and manage Messages:

Messages consist of the following fields:

msgthe messagestring
numa number if neededint64


Shows the number of timestamps in the timestamps database.

The following commands produce and manage Counts:

Counts consist of the following fields:

countthe number of items in the given databaseuint64


The following commands produce and manage Destinations:

Destinations consist of the following fields:

termthe term used to produce the urlstring
termTypethe type of the termDestType
urlthe url producedstring
sourcethe option that produced the urlstring

Base types

This documentation mentions the following basic data types.

addressan '0x'-prefixed 20-byte hex stringlowercase
blknuman alias for a uint64
booleither true, false, 1, or 0
bytesan arbitrarily long string of bytes
datetimea JSON formatted dateas a string
ethera big number floatas a string
gasa 64-bit unsigned integer
hashan '0x'-prefixed 32-byte hex stringlowercase
int64a 64-bit signed integer
stringa normal character string
timestampa 64-bit unsigned integerUnix timestamp
txnuman alias for a uint64
uint64a 64-bit unsigned integer
valuean alias for a 64-bit unsigned integer
weian unsigned big numberas a string

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