Install core

These instructions assume you can navigate the command line and edit configuration files. If you need help with a particular step, see the installation's troubleshooting section.


  • Open a terminal window.

  • Type go version. If Go is not installed or less than Go Version 1.23, install the latest version of Go

  • Install or upgrade the build dependencies: git, cmake, ninja, curl, python, clang-format, jq

  • Clone the repo and compile the executable:

git clone --depth 1 --no-single-branch --recurse-submodules --branch develop
cd trueblocks-core
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../src
  • Switch to the master branch if you want a more stable version.

  • The build may be faster with make -j <nproc>.

  • Add ./trueblocks-core/bin to your shell's $PATH. Check Google if you don't know what this means.

  • Type chifra config --paths. This will produce a display similar to the following (ignore any errors). Note the $CONFIG paths.

chifra config --paths:
  Config: $HOME/Library/Application Support/TrueBlocks/
  Cache : $HOME/Library/Application Support/TrueBlocks/cache/mainnet
  Index : $HOME/Library/Application Support/TrueBlocks/unchained/mainnet
  • Next, edit a configuration file called $CONFIG/trueBlocks.toml. Edit this file and locate the [chains.mainnet] section. Add a valid RPC endpoint. If you don't know what this means, search Google.
rpcProvider = "http://localhost:8545"
  • If you wish to use the --articulate feature (you probably do), add an API key to the following section:
apiKey = "<your Etherscan api key>"   # optional

Testing the install

If you've installed things properly, you should be able to now run the following command, which should return this data:

chifra blocks 12

You should get results similar to these:

  "data": [
      "gasLimit": 5000,
      "gasUsed": 0,
      "hash": "0xc63f666315fa1eae17e354fab532aeeecf549be93e358737d0648f50d57083a0",
      "blockNumber": 12,
      "parentHash": "0x3f5e756c3efcb93099361b7ddd0dabfeaa592439437c1c836e443ccb81e93242",
      "miner": "0x0193d941b50d91be6567c7ee1c0fe7af498b4137",
      "difficulty": 17179844608,
      "finalized": true,
      "timestamp": 1438270144,
      "baseFeePerGas": 0

More information

There's a lot left to learn. Have fun: